Drooping Brows? Bored With Botox? Dissatisfied With Dysport? Minimally Invasive Browlift With Renuvion Is the Answer!

Renuvion in Bradenton, FL

Loose skin on the upper face and deep lines along the forehead can make you appear tired or angry. Some people struggle with drooping eyebrows from natural aging and look older than their chronological age. For decades, the only cosmetic solution for men and women with sagging brows was brow lift surgery or injectables containing neurotoxins, such as Botox or Dysport. These options have their pitfalls. Brow lift is an invasive surgery with anesthesia risks and lengthy recovery, and injectables require ongoing treatments to maintain your appearance. 

Renuvion is an FDA-cleared, revolutionary technology that combines radiofrequency energy with helium gas to create a cool plasma beam that tightens skin and improves skin texture and tone. This resurfacing and tightening treatment leaves patients with fewer incision lines and has a much faster recovery than brow lift, and has longer-lasting results than injectables. 

Dr. Melinda Lacerna is a double-board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience using the Renuvion device. She is one of Renuvion’s surgical instructors, teaching fellow plastic surgeons how to use the technology safely and effectively at their practices. She offers minimally invasive brow lift with Renuvion, which is an off-label use of the technology.

How Minimally Invasive Brow Lift With Renuvion Works 

The cool plasma beam produced by combining radiofrequency energy and helium gas tightens skin and improves skin texture and tone. The minimally invasive brow lift with this technology involves a 30-minute procedure with local anesthesia. 

Dr. Lacerna creates one-inch incisions concealed in the hairline and elevates the brows to a better position with a natural-looking, youthful arch. She tightens and lifts the underlying tissues and structures to address drooping brows, then uses Renuvion plasma energy to tighten the skin tissues.

Renuvion helps further elevate the brow position with skin tightening and smooths lines and wrinkles on the forehead and between the brows. The results offer firmer skin right away that continues to get better as the body’s natural healing response creates more collagen in the area. Collagen is also stimulated by the gentle heat of the plasma beam. 

Our plastic surgeon’s approach to minimally invasive brow lifts offers lasting results that brighten the eye area and provide a natural, youthful eyebrow arch. The skin texture in the treated area is softer, with less pronounced wrinkles. Downtime or recovery after Renuvion for brow lift is about one week. 

If you’re interested in a minimally invasive brow lift with Dr. Lacerna’s unique approach, contact our Bradenton, Florida, office. Call LA Plastic Surgery & Dermatology at (941) 954-4500, or request an appointment online