How Do You Treat Hollow or Sunken Cheeks? 5 Benefits of Voluma


Are you noticing some signs of aging that you’d rather do without? We all know about wrinkles and lines, but one thing few people talk about (at least until it happens to them) is sunken cheeks filler and hollow areas. This volume loss can make you look older and less vital than you feel, but Juvederm Voluma Sarasota fl is an effective treatment for contouring your face and cheek line. At LA Plastic Surgery & Dermatology in Bradenton, FL, we can treat your concerns with this effective hyaluronic acid filler.

5 Benefits of Juvederm Voluma Sarasota FL

Targeted Design

Juvederm produces a whole line of popular hyaluronic acid fillers, and one reason this company’s offerings are the gold standard for dermal fillers is due to the variety of formulations they offer. There are formulas that target the lips, the nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and–in Voluma–the hollow areas of the cheeks.

Effective Treatment

All the benefits (or even the drawbacks) to any treatment have to be viewed in light of the main consideration: does it really work? With this treatment, you can be assured that it does. Over two million people get a Juvederm injection every year in the United States alone, and the various formulas of this line of fillers have been effectively treating the signs of aging for decades.

Voluma Sarasota fl in particular has been in use for nearly eight years, and in that time its popularity has skyrocketed due to its proven effectiveness. People keep coming back for this product quite simply because they love the way they look after treatment.


Every formula that Juvederm produces has gone through the same rigorous clinical testing. This testing involves years of careful trials that end with FDA-approval. This cheek-enhancing version of Juvederm has been FDA-approved since 2013.


This treatment can be used all over the cheek area, allowing us to plan out a treatment plan that will be right for you. You may want to give your cheeks a higher contour, round out the apples of your cheeks for better volume, or fill in your cheeks to get rid of a hollow look.

This filler can do it all, and in the hands of trained practitioners like those at LA Plastic Surgery & Dermatology, you can be sure of amazing results. We understand that injection treatments are as much art as science, and our goal is always to make you look like you, only younger.


The different versions of Juvederm have different longevities based on their molecular structure. The gentle version made specifically to treat the lips, for example, has the shortest duration of results at just about six months. That’s because a filler that effectively treats the delicate areas around the mouth must be thinner than other types.

The good news for those of us suffering from hollow cheeks is that Voluma Sarasota fl is the longest-lasting of the Juvederm varietals. Many people report their results lasting beyond two years, meaning you don’t need many follow-up sessions to enjoy a youthful look.

FAQ About Treatment

Am I a Candidate for Treatment?

Once you understand the benefits of this treatment, it’s natural to wonder if there’s anything that can keep you from having treatment. Fortunately, this treatment is right for almost everyone who wants it. You must be 21 years old to get an injection, and it’s also best to wait if you’re currently pregnant or breastfeeding. But otherwise, you’re likely a candidate for this treatment. Come talk to us at LA Plastic Surgery & Dermatology about your options and we can help you get started.

What’s In This Treatment and Why Is It Different From Other Juvederm Fillers?

This particular brand of filler is one of several varieties and is made to address the aging hollows of our cheeks. Juvederm realizes that people’s faces age in different ways and at different rates, and different solutions are needed for the cheeks than for the forehead, eyes, lips, or other areas.

One of the things that make our cheeks different is that the skin here is generally thicker than on any other part of the face. That means it takes a “tougher” formula to get good results, and that’s just what Voluma Sarasota fl provides. This formulation is thicker and made to inject the hyaluronic acid deeper into the treatment site than other formulations of Juvederm.

How Does a Hyaluronic Acid Filler Work?

There are different formulations of these dermal fillers, but they all have hyaluronic acid in common, and they all work the same way at the most fundamental level. This acid helps the skin to become more hydrated and supple, and it works to increase skin volume, restoring your youthful aesthetic.

Here’s what you need to know about hyaluronic acid:

It’s a Natural Substance

Despite the rather intimidating word “acid” attached to this molecule’s name, it’s actually just a type of naturally occurring sugar. Our bodies produce HA throughout our lives, though production begins to slow as we age. This slowed production is part of what causes the signs of aging, as hyaluronic acid is what keeps our skin able to retain moisture. It also delivers nutrients to the skin.

It Retains a LOT of Water

This amazing molecule is so effective at hydrating the skin because it’s capable of holding up to 1,000 times its own weight in water. The acid itself, therefore, is not what’s actually causing our skin to look plump and subtle: it’s the water the hyaluronic acid is holding.

This means it’s not necessary to actually inject so much of this dermal filler that it physically plumps your cheeks with HA. You only need enough to gather and hold the right amount of moisture.

How Long Does a Session Take?

Treatment sessions with this dermal filler are faster than you would expect given how effective this treatment is! We only need between 15 and 30 minutes to treat you, depending on the extent of your treatment.

Even better, this treatment contains added lidocaine, which keeps your treatment comfortable and allows you to recover quickly and go right back to normal life and schedule.

What Is the Recovery Period Like?

There isn’t a true “recovery” period with this treatment. The term “recovery” implies that you’ll have to take time from your schedule, avoid a lot of activities, and maybe even feel pretty terrible for a bit. None of that happens with Juvederm. Instead, you’re in and out quickly and can go right back to your normal routine.

There are just a few things that we’ll advise you to do for the first day or two to maximize your results. It’s best to avoid alcohol and strenuous exercise for about 24 hours. This allows your filler to settle properly.

You’ll also get the best possible results if you avoid anything that thins the blood, like aspirin, for a few days. Extreme temperatures or full exposure to direct sunlight for extended periods will also keep you from getting the best results. Finally, be sure not to push too hard on the treatment area for the first few days so the filler can settle.

How Long Does It Take to See Results?

The results start to appear within just a few hours, but these are initial results. You’ll want to allow some time for the HA to attract and keep water, so it takes about two weeks to see the final, long-term results.

What Are the Other Types of Juvederm?


This is the Juvederm variation made to work on the lips. It lasts for about 12 months, and it’s the perfect treatment for softening lines or increasing volume.

Ultra XC

If your lips need a lot of volume, and fast, then Ultra XC is your friend. It works well for more severe signs of lip aging.


This option is perfect for facial lines, like the lines around the mouth or the lines running from the nose to the mouth.

Ultra Plus

If you have particularly deep lines, then Ultra Plus is an extra-thick filler perfect for treating them.

Can I Get Treat Several Areas Simultaneously?

Many people choose to combine their treatments. This allows you to get the whole process over with more quickly and see all your results at about the same time. Of course, this all depends on your goals, the number of injections you’re getting, and the type of injections you want. In some cases, it does make sense to separate treatments.

You can also combine this treatment with Botox or another neuromodulator, which allows you to treat different aging issues simultaneously.

What’s the Difference Between This and Botox or a Collagen Injection?

Dermal fillers containing HA work quite differently from Botox, even though they’re injected in much the same way. They have some advantages because of the way they work, but ultimately, the real difference is in what they’re designed to treat and how quickly they get to work.

Treating Different Concerns

Wrinkles can develop from two separate issues. Some wrinkles, called dynamic wrinkles, are made when we make facial expressions. Others, called static wrinkles, form due to lack of HA and collagen. Botox is only effective against dynamic wrinkles. It works by interrupting the signal between the nerves and muscles, allowing the muscles to relax so the skin can smooth out. Botox is also not very effective on the cheeks, where Juvederm really shines.

Treatment Speed

Meanwhile, collagen injections work by promoting the growth of collagen–a key protein. This builds volume and makes the skin stronger and more supple, but it takes a while for these injections to have an effect. Some collagen injections can take weeks or even months for the full effects to develop.

In contrast, hyaluronic acid fillers show preliminary effects almost immediately, and the full effects develop within two weeks.

What’s Right for Me?

There are a lot of things to consider when you try to decide on the right anti-aging treatments. That’s why every treatment starts with a consultation here at LA Plastic Surgery & Dermatology. We will work with you to understand your goals and develop the perfect plan that will help you reach them.

Your consultation will be personal, relaxed, and built around your needs and goals. We take time to get to know you, understand what changes you’re hoping to see, and review your medical history to make sure any treatments we recommend will be safe and effective for you.

Then we’ll recommend a series of treatments that will help you reach your goals. These could use a Juvederm product (or several), Botox, or something else entirely! Our goal is always that you reach yours and look like the young and vibrant person you really are.

Find Out More Today

If you’re ready to find out more about this Juvederm treatment, or any of the treatments we offer, contact LA Plastic Surgery & Dermatology in Bradenton, FL today to get started. Reclaim that youthful look and take years off your appearance with Voluma Sarasota FL!