How Long Does Microneedling Take?


The aging process takes a toll on us all, but there’s no reason to suffer from issues like fine lines and wrinkles, lax skin, irregular skin texture, or scars caused by acne and other conditions. Instead, you can undergo a simple treatment called microneedling that will restore the beautiful and smooth appearance of your face. Here at LA Plastic Surgery & Dermatology in Bradenton, FL, we offer this simple yet highly effective treatment to our patients.

But how long will your session take, and will you have to rest afterward? Many of us lead busy lives, which is why this treatment has been developed to yield quick results without taking up a lot of your time. Instead, you can be in and out of the clinic in under an hour, and you can resume your normal routine right away. Let’s examine exactly how long you can expect your appointment with us to take and what your session will involve.

What Is Microneedling and How Long Does it Take?

The method is minimally invasive, which means that you won’t need to have a general anesthetic while you’re being treated. Instead, we will use a simple handheld device that works to create tiny punctures in your skin. Although this doesn’t actually injure you, your body will perceive an issue and send beneficial healing agents such as platelets to the site. These can then work to rejuvenate the skin and create newer, healthy cells.

In this way, the treatment process is completely natural because it harnesses your own body’s healing process. You’re unlikely to see any negative side effects since we’re not introducing any chemical substances to your face, and you can resume your normal routine quickly. Here at the clinic, we might combine your treatment with a radiofrequency session in order to augment the results.

How Long it Takes

When you first come to speak to us about cosmetic concerns related to your face, we will consult with you in order to come up with the best treatment plan. We will need to know about your health history, so we can rule out any conditions that could interfere with your sessions, and we will ask you about other treatments you’ve tried in the past. When deciding how to help you, we’ll take your goals and preferences into consideration, as well.

The average appointment at our clinic usually takes around 30 minutes, so you might even be able to visit us during your lunch break. However, it’s usually better to leave the rest of the day free, particularly if it’s the first time you’re being treated, as you might feel tired and in need of some rest after your session. Most people see great results after 2-3 sessions, but this depends on your individual situation, the condition of your skin, and what you hope to achieve.

Your Treatment

Once we’ve decided that you’re a great fit for this type of treatment, you will be invited to book your first appointment. Your practitioner will apply a numbing cream to your face before getting started, as we want you to have a pleasant, pain-free experience. This might take a while to sink in, so we’ll wait until your face feels numb.

Next, we use a handheld device to create tiny punctures in your skin that will prompt your body’s response. As soon as we’ve completed this process, you can get dressed and go home. Your healing agents will now stimulate the production of higher levels of collagen and elastin, which will help to rejuvenate and smooth out your features.

Preparation and Aftercare

Because of the minimally invasive nature of this treatment, there isn’t too much you can’t do before you come into the clinic. However, we ask you to avoid exposing your skin to direct sunlight because we won’t be able to treat you if you’ve been sunburned. You should also avoid waxing or using a depilatory cream on your treatment area for about a week prior to your session.

When your session is over, you’ll be able to drive yourself home since you won’t have been anesthetized, but it might be better to bring a friend or family member if it’s your first time. Your practitioner will tell you what products to use on your face and which ones you should avoid. You will have to keep avoiding the sun and taking blood-thinning medication for a few weeks.

Your Results

You might start to feel a difference in how your face looks right away, as the skin tightening and pore-reducing properties of this treatment act very quickly. However, the bulk of your results begin to show up 4-6 weeks after your session. This is because the healing agents in your body will need some time to start doing their work, so you will notice gradual changes in the firmness and texture of your skin over time.

Combining Treatment with Radiofrequency

Here at our clinic, we often combine this treatment with radiofrequency energy. This type of RF microneedling can benefit people who want to target the deeper layers of the skin, as the energy will penetrate deeper into the dermis and heat up the skin. Contrary to popular opinion, this option is now available to almost anyone, and you can benefit from it no matter what your skin tone is.

What Conditions Can Be Treated?

Now that you know what the treatment involves and how long it’s likely to take, you might wonder what types of issues can be addressed. Because your session won’t involve cutting open your skin, the results will initially be more subtle than those from surgery, but over time, you can notice distinct changes in the appearance of your face. If you have scars, irregularities, or symptoms of aging, you could greatly benefit from this method.

Fine Lines and Wrinkles

One of the first changes you’ll notice as you grow older is the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. You might also find that your skin has lost its youthful tightness and is now laxer. These symptoms can be distressing, but they can be effectively addressed through microneedling. Although we can help you no matter your age and the current state of your skin, you’ll see great results if you start young and catch the issue early.

Irregular Skin Texture

Some people don’t have smooth, even skin, and they suffer from irregularities that might either be genetic or caused by lifestyle factors such as too much sun exposure. No matter if you have age spots, scars from an accident, or simply large pores and an uneven skin tone, the rejuvenating effects of this treatment can make these issues much less noticeable. Within a few weeks, you could get rid of something that’s been bothering you for a long time.

Acne Scars

Severe acne can be debilitating for a young person, and it’s even worse when it leaves scars that stay with you for the rest of your life. Fortunately, we can treat this issue within a few sessions, so you shouldn’t hesitate to contact us if you suffer from acne scars. In many cases, the treatment is permanent because it kick-starts the production of collagen.

Should I Get Treated?

Almost everyone who comes to the clinic for their initial consultation will be eligible for this type of treatment because it is quite gentle. However, before deciding that it’s the right fit for you, we will need to evaluate your situation and current state of health. If you have no serious conditions and are in good general health, it’s likely that you can benefit from this method. The best way to find out more is to come to the clinic and speak to our experts.

Revitalize Your Skin Now

Microneedling is a great treatment for anyone looking to restore their skin to its youthful, evenly textured state. Because it only takes a few minutes and is a minimally invasive solution, it’s one of the quickest ways to achieve the look you’ve been dreaming of. If you are suffering from the negative effects of aging, you have scars on your face, or you’re not satisfied with the texture of your facial features, this could be the perfect method for you.

To get started, you will need to come to an initial appointment, where we can assess whether this is the best treatment for you. Contact LA Plastic Surgery & Dermatology in Bradenton, FL today to get started. Our talented team will be more than happy to welcome you and tell you more about all of the treatment options on offer.