Laser Hair Removal FAQs: What Areas Can You Get Treated?


There is a lot of time and money that goes into the continual cycle of hair removal. Whether it’s waxing, shaving, plucking, or using hair removal creams, you have likely been frustrated by irritation or the amount of time spent in the past. With laser hair removal, you can get rid of unwanted hair and earn back your time! Here at LA Plastic Surgery in Bradenton, FL we can help you! 

What Areas Can You Get Treated?

There are a number of locations on the body that can benefit from this type of hair removal. If you do happen to have an area of concern that is not mentioned, please feel free to bring that area up to our staff so they can determine if that area or areas could also benefit from this quick, painless treatment option.

The Legs

One of the most popular areas that many people choose to have this treatment is on their legs. Taking care of unwanted hair on the legs is a neverending process and as soon as you get rid of the unwanted hair, it seems to come right back. This treatment can effectively remove any unwanted hair on the legs so that you can have smooth skin and the confidence to wear anything you want all year!

The Bikini Line 

This area is one of the most prone on the body to suffer from bumps and irritation following other forms of hair removal like shaving and waxing. Not only can the redness look irritated, but it can also feel pretty uncomfortable too! This treatment is going to take care of the unwanted hair in this region, ensuring that the skin is smooth all the time.

The Arms 

There are a lot of people who have excessive unwanted hair on their arms. Some have opted to shave or use other methods of hair removal on this area nd oftentimes, the hair seems to come back thicker and makes it even more frustrating to deal with. This treatment will help you ditch that unwanted hair for good.


Irritation and redness are another issue for many when it comes to getting rid of unwanted hair in this region. Again, it can not only look uncomfortable but feel that way too. This treatment will ensure that you will be rid of unwanted hair and never again have to suffer through any irritation or bumps again.

The Upper Lip 

Constnalty having to worry about waxing this area or participating in other means of hair removal can become frustrating. This treatment, however, will get rid of any unwanted hair on the upper lip without any pain and without leaving behind any irritation.

The Back

Excessive back hair is another issue that many people have. And, let’s face it- other means of hair removal can be particularly frustrating in this location as it can be hard to reach. This treatment can rid you of that unwanted hair and give you confidence all the time!

How Often Can You Have Laser Hair Removal?

This is going to vary from person to person but usually, a person can have this form of treatment every 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the advice from our experts. This is going to help make sure that the hair is treated during various stages of hair regrowth and that is going to make the treatment that much more effective.

The Other Benefits of Treatment

You may not have considered that there are even more benefits to this treatment option other than being rid of unwanted hair. Let’s talk about some of those.

Smoother Skin Than Before 

Most people who have had this treatment tend to notice that their skin is smoother than before treatment. This is likely due to not having the skin undergo the irritation and loss of moisture that can happen with most other methods of hair removal. This is a great benefit that is rarely talked about but does make most highly satisfied with their treatment.

Get Back Time & Money

Think back to all the time and money you have spent fussing over unwanted hair. All the products, the razors, the appointments  and everything else certainly adds up. This treatment is going to give you back all the time you spend dealing with unwanted hair and all the money you would have spent do further deal with it.  

No More Irritation or Uncomfortable Methods of Hair Removal

Redness, razor burn, and other irritation happen to just about everyone at one time or another. It can not only not look great but it can also be uncomfortable. This treatment is going to remove any chance of future irritation caused by other methods of hair removal because you will no longer have to engage in it! You will have smooth skin and a lot fewer worries.  

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will It Hurt?

No. This treatment option uses a device that targets only the hair follicle so there is no fear about experiencing any type of pain or discomfort. Besides, our experts will be there the entire time to make sure that you are completely comfortable from beginning to end. You do not have to be concerned with pain!

2. Is This a Safe Treatment Option?

Absolutely! This treatment uses a laser that is so highly concentrated that it only focuses on the hair follicle. You do not have to be worried about your safety or the safety of your skin with laser hair removal. It is perfectly safe and is going to deliver some really great results.

3. Who Is This Right for?

This is an excellent treatment option for any person who wants to be free of unwanted hair on their legs, arms, upper lip, underarms, and other areas. Most people can benefit from this treatment option if they have unwanted hair they are tired of dealing with using other means of hair removal.

If you are still unsure if this is right for you, during your consultation, our experts will listen to all of your concerns and expectations and determine if this is, indeed, a treatment option that can deliver what you are looking for. It is effective on most unwanted hair in those majors areas that were previously mentioned!

4. Can I Have Multiple Areas Treated at the Same Time?

Of course! If you do have multiple areas where you would like to have unwanted hair removed, all of those areas can definitely be treated during the same session to help you save some time. Again, be sure to let our professionals know all of your areas of concern, any questions you have, and what your expectations are so that they can completely accommodate!

5. How Many Treatment Sessions Will I Need?

To get rid of the cycle of hair regrowth for good, you are likely going to need multiple sessions. For most people, between 4 to 6 sessions is going to completely stop the hair from returning. However, some people may need to have more sessions than that for the cycle of hair growth to stop completely. And, some people may even need fewer sessions.

After taking a good look at your specific case, our experts may be able to give you a better estimate at how many treatment sessions you will need before you can expect the hair to stop returning for good.

6. How Long Will My Treatment Session Take?

The treatment sessions are pretty quick but the exact amount of time yours will take is going to depend on the area or areas you are having treated, hair thickness, and other factors. However, most sessions rarely exceed 30 minutes and almost none go over an hour! When you think back to all the time you have spent dealing with unwanted hair, this treatment is super quick!

7. What if My Hair Is a Bit Thicker?

If you do feel that your hair is thicker, it is a good bet that you can still benefit from this treatment. However, you just may need to have more sessions to make sure that the hair stops returning. Our professionals will evaluate your specific case and make sure that your thick hair can still benefit from this treatment option.

8. Can It Damage My Skin?

Definitely not! The laser on the device that is used during the hair removal process is so concentrated that it is going to completely bypass the skin surrounding the hair follicle that is targeted. You do not have to be concerned about this treatment process causing any form of damage to your skin. It will feel smoother than ever and be completely unbothered by treatment.

9. What Do I Need To Do Before My Treatment Session?

Leaving the unwanted hair alone before your treatment session is a good idea before you come in for treatment. This is going to help the treatment target the hair in different stages of growth and that is going to make the treatment more effective. So, you are technically going to do nothing before treatment! You just need to show up for your session and our professionals will take care of everything else!

10. Is There Anything I Need To Do To Take Care of My Skin After My Treatment Session?

Staying out of the sun for 24 to 48 hours after your treatment session is advised following your treatment session. If you cannot do that, just wear a higher SPF than you normally would. Other than there, there is not usually anything else special that you need to worry about doing or not doing. If there would happen to be something, our professionals will be sure to let you know before you leave.

11. Is This Option Only for Women?

Of course not! This treatment is for any person who wants to get rid of unwanted hair on their upper lip, their back, their legs, their bikini line and other areas. Men have benefited from this treatment option in the past and will continue to do so! Any person who wants to get rid of unwanted hair can benefit from this wonderful treatment option.

Be Free of Unwanted Hair & Irritation for Good

Constantly worrying about hair removal can be stressful and can take up a lot of time. If you have unwanted hair that you are tired of constantly shaving, waxing, and dealing with in general, laser hair removal can help. You can have smooth skin that is free of unwanted hair all the time! If you are ready for that hair to be gone, come see us today at LA Plastic Surgery in Bradenton, FL!