Non-Surgical Brow Lift in Bradenton, FL

As the forehead ages, horizontal forehead lines and vertical frown lines between the eyebrows become more prominent. For years, the main cosmetic solution was surgery, specifically brow lift, or a more short-term non-surgical approach with neurotoxins (such as Botox). Now, patients can benefit from a minimally invasive surgical treatment that offers most of the same benefits as the traditional brow lift, but with fewer scars and a much faster recovery time. Double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Melinda Lacerna is Bradenton and Sarasota, Florida’s top provider of Renuvion. This advanced skin tightening technology allows her to perform a minimally invasive brow lift that produces a younger and more attractive look without excessive scarring or prolonged downtime.

About Non-Surgical Brow Lift Banner

How Renuvion Works?

Renuvion is an FDA-approved treatment that uses a combination of radiofrequency energy and helium gas to produce a cool beam plasma that tightens the skin. This is the only device that is FDA cleared for both sub-dermal tissue contraction (tightening of the skin below the chin and the neck areas) and removal of fine lines and wrinkles on the face (through plasma skin resurfacing). Renuvion for minimally invasive browlift is currently considered an off-label use of the technology. Surgical treatment of the forehead takes about 30 minutes. After the administration of local anesthesia, two one-inch incisions are placed within the hairline, and the brows are elevated surgically to a more aesthetically pleasing location. Next, Renuvion plasma energy tightens the forehead skin to produce an elevated brow position. After the surgery, the skin appears firmer immediately, but the results continue to improve in the ensuing months as collagen production (stimulated by the gentle heat produced by the plasma energy) continues to smooth and contract the skin.

Changes Patients Can Expect from the Minimally Invasive Brow Lift

Following this treatment, patients can expect to see a smoother forehead with less-pronounced lines. Additionally, the arch of the eyebrow is lifted to a more youthful yet natural-looking position for a more relaxed and aesthetic look to the upper face and eye areas. The expected downtime for this procedure is about one week.

Choose Dr. Lacerna for Minimally Invasive Brow Lift

Dr. Lacerna is one of Renuvion’s official surgical instructors, meaning that she teaches fellow plastic surgeons how to use the device most safely and effectively. Patients who want the ultimate results from this treatment can benefit from going with an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Lacerna. If you would like to improve the appearance of your forehead without excessive scarring or downtime, come speak to Dr. Lacerna to determine if you are a good candidate. For a consultation, please call or fill out the contact form for LA Plastic Surgery & Dermatology at 941-954-4500.